I just noticed, right now, that it has been a long while since I last posted my fundraising thermometer, and I also just noticed that it is probably due to the fact that I have finally hit my fundraising wall. Unfortunately for me, I have tapped out on all of the funds that I could possibly get from my closest financial resources. I would like to reiterate just how grateful I am to all of you that have shown me so much love and support in all senses of the word: financially, mentally, and spiritually, etc. It has made this journey such a positive one thus far. I am so delighted by all of the positive and hopeful feedback that I have been receiving from all of my donators. Not only have each and every one of you have made this process so much easier to handle, but you also made it much more enjoyable than I could have ever possibly imagined.
Fundraising Ideas
If anyone reading this knows of anyone else that would be willing to donate to our cause for global understanding and the spread of hope, peace, and love, then please forward my information to them! Since I am taking 18 credits this semester I really do not have the time to go out of my way to find possible financial donors. And please if you have not yet made a donation, I pray that you will seriously reconsider making a donation today. All donations must be handed in by Thanksgiving, so please be aware that time is of the essence. We now only have 89 days left until our delegation literally embarks on a plane ride to Nicaragua. I would also like for everyone to consider it as 89 days left until I, as a human being, embark on the "Evolution of Alice."
As you consider making a monetary donation, please do not just think of it in terms of how much money you have to "spare" to physically send me there, but think about it more on the terms of, "how much are you willing to donate, so that a young woman can truly discover her life's destiny?" I pray that you contemplate the latter.
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