Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just Who Will You Be?

Maria Shriver once wrote a speech for her godson's graduation. It was so well received by the students and their parents that she ended up making the speech into a book, which my mother gave to me when I graduated from HS in 2004. I remembered it being a really awesome thought provoking speech, but I forgot until today just how important and pertinent it really was and still is. Recently, I just re bought the book to give as a graduation present to my friend. But before I give it to him of course I had to reread it myself! So, tonight I reread the book that impacted me 6 years prior and still even more so strikes a chord with me today. I'd like to share with you some of my favorite parts:

"What do you want to be famous for? When you try to answer that question, please set your sights high-because you can be famous for doing something great in this world, something that matters, something that makes life better.

You can use your fame to inspire people and give them HOPE. I think now more than ever we need famous people with integrity, character, and vision-people who want to lead, who want to change the world and make it more peaceful, HOPEFUL, and compassionate place, a place where more people feel accepted and valued for who they are."

"Allow me to challenge you to think about ... what you believe. Look at what you believe, in order to find out who you will become. In truth, that's the most important question we can all ask ourselves throughout our lives: "What do I believe-and what do I want to be? Answering that question is crucial, because what you believe is the foundation upon which you build yourself as you continue to grow."

"What is my truth?..."

"We're supposed to grow and evolve. We have to give ourselves the permission and freedom to stay open to change...I'm talking about letting life's experiences affect you and mature you. I'm talking about going down deep and finding out where you're at and where you need to go next."

Those are just a few of my favorite quotes from the book. I think the reason why I really love her book is because it just encompasses my life philosophy of really knowing who you are, what you're about, what you really believe in, what makes you tick, your feelings, your strengths, your weaknesses, etc. That's what I want my next tattoo to be "Know Thyself" and "Be Thyself" It's so important to understand Who you are, because it spreads all over into every other aspect of your life. And if you don't like one of your habits, your attitude, your flaws, etc. it's not the end all and be all. You have time to change yourself! That's probably one of the best things I've learned this past year: That I have a choice about who I am, how I act, and what I believe. Life doesn't control me. I control my life. I know most of these words are not mine in this post, but they've changed my life in a pretty profound way. I hope I can do the same for somebody else. Do yourself a favor and pick up "Just Who Will You Be" By Maria Shriver.

Peace and love!

1 comment:

  1. You are AMAZING Alice!! You are inspiring! I see so much of you in me, only "ME" got lost with life's challenges!

    I look forward to reading more about you and if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to share your blog with some of my lady friends. I won't until I get your ok.

    Thanks and keep writing from your heart and spirit! You are truly gifted in so many ways and it's a blessing to get to know you deeper thru your writings!

    Blessings always!

    Peace and love,
    Ginny ("Little's" Mom) <3
