Greetings everyone! I wanted to take a moment from my busy schedule to make sure to tell you all about Amnesty International's Global Writeathon. Remember...Your Words Have Power. They can bring FREEDOM to prisoners of conscience. They can demand JUSTICE for survivors of torture. They can offer HOPE to human rights defenders at risk.
Your words can SAVE LIVES.
Each year hundreds of thousands of people across the world mark International Human Rights Day on December 10 by taking part in Amnesty International's Write for Rights Global Write-a-thon - the world's largest letter writing event. People all over the world join together and write letters to demand that the rights of individuals are respected, protected, and fulfilled. In doing so, they show solidarity with those suffering human rights abuses and work to bring about real change in people's lives.
I have decided to participate this year and have pledged to write 5 letters myself. I hope you you all take the time to join me in my efforts to spread human rights to all human beings. Tis the season to spread love and peace. Please do you part and join in the Global writeathon today. And don't worry if you don't finish your letters by the 12th there really is no deadline. This is just a yearly event to spur extra letters before the end of the year. For more information check out Amnesty's web site:!
By the way, I have less than a month until the Nica delegation!! Please keep me in your prayers! I am also still taking donations, so if you feel the call to donate let me know. Thank you everyone and have an amazing day.